March 2019 Posts

Resources for Online Students Affected by Flooding

Posted: March 28, 2019 8:50:00 AM CDT

Resources for Online Students Affected by Flooding

Throughout Nebraska and other areas, many students are still feeling the effects of recent severe weather, flooding and loss in their homes or communities. As an online student at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, you can access university resources that can help during challenging times—now or whenever you have a need.   University of Nebraska Emergency Assistance 体育菠菜大平台, along with other University of Nebraska campuses, have joined together in flood recovery strategies to...

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By: Rosanna Vail

Category: General, eCampus

Celebrating Social Work Month

Posted: March 21, 2019 2:15:00 PM CDT

Celebrating Social Work Month

Every year during March, social workers are recognized in celebration of National Social Work Month. Often viewed as more than a profession, social work is a calling and a personal mission that compels people to create a more compassionate, moral and inclusive society. Those who enter the field have a heart for making a difference—along with a strong education to be as effective as possible in supporting individuals and communities. Meeting Needs Two years ago, the University of...

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By: Stacey Schwarz

Category: General, eCampus

Spring Break Safety Tips

Posted: March 13, 2019 12:00:00 AM CDT

Spring Break Safety Tips

Give me Palm Trees, 80 Degrees, and Spring Break Tips It’s almost that time of the semester where we can take a break from student life and sprawl out in the sun. I know you are all are as sick of the snow as I am, and we are all in need of a vacation from school. Here are some tips to keep you safe wherever you’re headed! Stay Hydrated! If you’re going somewhere sunny and warm (or even if you’re not), stay hydrated! Water is very important for our bodies. Make...

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By: Health Education

Category: Health Education, General

Pitching an Online MBA

Posted: March 11, 2019 12:20:00 PM CDT

Pitching an Online MBA

For many adult learners, flexibility has proven to be a top concern. At the University of Nebraska at Kearney, the Master of Business Administration—commonly known as the MBA—has changed its format to comply with the changing times. Classes are offered primarily online while still providing some one-on-one interaction through synchronous class meetings. This new format provides the best of both worlds: flexibility, with engaging in-class discussions that are accessible remotely...

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By: Alyssa Wyant

Category: eCampus, General

Allergies: Facts That Will (Or Won’t) Take Your Breath Away

Posted: March 1, 2019 12:00:00 AM CST

Allergies: Facts That Will (Or Won’t) Take Your Breath Away

Odds are you or someone you know suffers from some form of allergy. A recent survey shows that over half of the U.S. population (54.6 percent) reported having reactions to at least one type of allergen (Healthline, 2012), but what causes this? An allergic reaction occurs when the body’s immune system attacks something in the body that it sees as dangerous. The consequences of this may be minor, such as sneezing, a rash, or hives. More serious cases can include swelling of the throat or...

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By: Health Education

Category: Health Education, General

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