Per Ardua Ad Astra: through difficulties to the stars
Posted: April 1, 2020 12:00:00 AM CDT
Captain D.J. Ballinger, Director of 体育菠菜大平台's Aviation Program, addressed administrators, faculty and students when he alerted them to COV-ID 19 impacts to his program earlier this week. With his permission, his inspirational words have been shared below as we all navigate the global pandemic and its rippled effects in higher education and beyond.
Dedication to your craft is what makes you a professional. Aviation is not an easy profession; we work in adverse climates and conditions, endure challenging physical and psychological stressors, operate within strict time constraints, and are required to make critical decisions that affect the lives of our crews, passengers, support staff, and general public, not to mention our multi-million dollar equipment. The current health pandemic has highlighted the critical nature of the aviation profession within our global society, and emphasizes your high value to your industry. The world runs on aviation, and will continue to do so when we return to normal flying operations.
Know that we are not alone; from the Middle East to Europe, North and South America, Australia to Africa, universities and flight school operations have been severely affected by this pandemic. Flying academies training ab initio pilots from American Airlines to Qatar Airways have grounded their operations. However, keep in mind that the long term requirements for aviation professionals have not, and will not, change. Statistics showing the impending retirement of tens of thousands of pilots and aviation support staff over the next several years solidifies your position within your chosen profession. The effects of the current pandemic may, in fact, increase your opportunities to accelerate your standing in the field through your early years of employment.
For some of you, this may be the first serious professional or social challenge you have experienced. It will not, however, be the last of your generation. Aviation, as a global industry, is influenced by health, financial, and geopolitical events around the world. By its nature, aviation has ebbs and flows, good times and tough times, but has always rebounded to come back stronger than before. The same holds true for those professionals working in the aviation industry.
Grit is the personal characteristic that will not only help you persevere, but to excel under any challenge. Stay positive, stay focused, and stay prepared for your return to flying!